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New computers system of methods and technique for highly efficient inexpensive non-drug  treatment

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Millimeter therapy and functional diagnostics  - new prospects FOR DISABLED PERSONS

VOIN public organization  these technologies allow to decide tasks of protection of the Disableds Person and rehabilitation of victims of violence

  • Rehabilitation both help to the women and children, sufferers during military actions, extreme situations or received of a mutilation owing to violent actions
  • Medical and legal aid to the Disabled Persons, Peoples With Disabilities to victims of violence and cruel reference, sufferers in a course of the conflicts in У hot points Ф

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   Natural - evolutional way of science development very seldom allows the appearance of large scale breaks in one or another field knowledge, which open a way to important prospect of their applying. For medicine, it is especially of great value, as medicine is a descriptive science, where the results of experimental research, as a rule, are of a narrow direction and limited ways of applying.
   The introducing of modern medical technologies shows its very importance. Millimeter therapy (MT) and system of express-diagnostics of functional state of a patient "AMSAT" developed in Russia, proved on basis of large statistics material its importance firstly of rehabilitation of incurable patients (infant cerebral paralysis central and peripheral disorder of the nervous system etc), in treatment and prophylactics of wide range of diseases, and also in holding mass diagnostics tests of above-laboratory level and in control of diagnostics of any type of therapy. It is proved by the usage of hundreds of apparatuses MT/AMSAT in public medical services of different type in 35 countries all over the world.

Millimeter therapy:

MT includes:
   - Influence biologically active points (BAP) since old days, used in Oriental medicine for therapy, by means of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in millimeter waves band (R=4-7 mm) of low intensity (10090,01 mkWatts/cm2 and less). The fact, that traditional instruments of oriental puncture - a needle and a mox influence BAP by millimeter waves of this level, was experimentally proved.
   - Understanding the fact, that all types of puncture in any way influence energetic processes in our body subordinated by rules of power system. This explains the existence of therapeutic effect from the very different types of influence BAP; mechanical, electronical, EMR, laser, warm, magnetic influence etc.
   It is important to stress that MT in comparison with other types of puncture uses the lowest level of radiation, but in therapeutic effect it is in many times higher.
   - Deliberation of the fact, that human body is in constant regime of self-adjustment. To overcome a wide range of diseases organism has learnt to produce different bioactive substances, a part of which are already exposed, a smaller part can be synthesized and used as exogenous medicines (for example, interferon, endorphins etc.). The disease appeares when there is a lack of resources in organism to stop the process on microlevel, or there are few substances for medicines synthes - diet expenses, adjustment programs etc) Just at this moment, when the organism hasn't coped with the problem of survival, the doctor interference will be very necessary to regain the balance (no matter what therapy will be used).
   - Experimental corroboration of therapeutic mechanism of any type of puncture, lies in the following fact. Puncture doesn't bring any material substances into the organism and doesn't influence it by considerable energetic factors. At the same time, such influence BAP brings to the producing of BAP by the very organism. And such BAP - are endogenous medicines of such complex and concentration that are really necessary for recovery of this very person, and not of an "average" patient.
   - Cybernetic approach to the organism, being an integrative multi-leveled (cell-organ-organism) automatised system of self-organized and self-satisfied biologic automatic subsystem, united by round connections into a whole organism and to BAP as an instrument for external control of systems. This explains the expediency of BAP existence in organism of a man and an animal: these organs, controlling the main function of the organism, were created by Nature to make it possible to provide external treatment. MM - therapy is based on the discovery of biological resonance, that means organism via BAP, known from Oriental puncture and connected with organs, having some functional disorders, not only very selectively reacts on electromagnetic radiation (EMR), but is treated by EMR, i.e. that little by little recover their functions. Change of traditional instruments of Oriental puncture (needle, mox) to apparatusical generator EMR, made it possible to optimize the influencing level that led to the maximum recovering and treating effect in comparison with other known puncture methods and, as a result, treatment of the diseases, that sometimes before referred to incurable either in European or Oriental medicine.
   During clinical tests, and wide medical practice was proved that MM-therapy has a normal limiting influence on adaptogenous and stress hormons, coagulative potential of blood, peroxident oxidization of fats and other processes of metabolism. On the whole, man can assert, that MM-therapeutic influence is carried out in different ways, the main of those of releasation of endogenous biologically active substances - "medicines", produced by the very organism in such quantity and complex, that is necessary for optimal recovery or increase of its protective characteristics. Moreover, in comparison with exogenous medicines endogenous are in many times more efficient and absolutely safe and that is not of a less importance for patients. This is the mechanism of MM-therapy and its wide potential opportunities in prophylactics treatment of diseases anthology of which is not known. MM-therapy treatment is carried out by courses, which consist of 10-12 days, out-patients or stationary, with procedures of 15-30 minutes. If necessary, the repeated courses are conducted in 1-6 months, as a rule, during the procedure are used not more then 3-4 points.

Efficiency of MM-therapy

   MM-therapy showed high efficiency in the treatment of the following diseases:
aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur (either bringing the process to a stop or stimulating marrow regeneration); infantile cerebral paralysis (liquidation on substantial abatement of motive, speech, intellectual deflections); matiple sclerosis (stimulating regeneration of motive, functions, organs and systems functions, liquidation of speech deflection etc.).
   MM-therapy showed its efficiency in the treatment of gastric, gynecological, arthritic, urological, endocrine and many other diseases, trying not only to apply therapy in accordance with one of the important precepts of Oriental medicine - "Treat the patient, not the disease", but also bringing into concord regeneration influence on the organism of patient with sight influence on disease hotbed, and so to realize earlier unachievable principle "Treat either the patient or the disease". It is important to stress the high level of scientific research, conducted by MM-therapy: there are about hundreds of works in bibliography of this theme. Authors of MM-therapy, primordialy don't consider this method as next panacea, nevertheless they think that in some cases bringing together MM-therapy with such spareful and gentle method as all kinds of massage (including electrostimulation), phytotherapy and food additions, homeopathy and pharmacothepary increase its efficiency.
   Since the end of 80's there was started the production of highlytechnological apparatuses of MM-therapy on the basis of the former USSR defense complex. Since 1994 on the medicine equipment market has appeared MM-therapy, apparatuses of the fourth generation "Kovert" series, produced by medical company "Kovert" jointly with conversive companies of Russia.
   This apparatuses stands on the leading position and was popularized in more than 30 countries all over the world, including USA, Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Argentina etc. In 1998 in Argentina in Santa-Fa region was opened a quantum medical clinic, equipped for 99% by medical apparatuses, produced in Russia, firstly by MM-therapy apparatuses. Following the above information, the efficiency of MM-therapy can be demonstrated in treatment of incurable patients, practically non-treated by other methods, for example infantile cerebral paralysis and disseminated sclerosis
.    In clinic of Medical Technical Center "Kovert" were cured 24 patients with diagnosis "disseminated sclerosis", including: 16 men and 8 women. The average of age is from 24 to 46 years old. The duration of pathological process among patients is the following:
   43% - less than 5 years,
   57% - more than 5 years.
   5 patients entered the clinic with the diagnosis "Disseminated sclerosis, Cerebral form" the other had a diagnosis "Disseminated sclerosis ,Cerebralspinal form". Patients with aggravating heredatery anamnesis were not exposed.
   Treatment of all patients was held according to the individual characteristic frequency in SW 57,4 - 63,5 GHz band. Sensory response was observed in 64,8 %, as generalizative reactions / slackness, lightness, warm in the whole body, sleepiness, changing into a sound sleep, feeling of "a wave, spreading all over the body" etc.). There was a lack of response in 35,2 % of patients or just a little one.
   Treatment of this group of patients was held in the scanning regime with the step of 100 m GHz and with the increase from 54,00 GHz. There were used apparatuses, produced by "Kovert" company :
   "AMT-Kovert-04-02", "AMT-Kovert-T-01", "AMT 04-PC" (applicable for inpatient and outpatient treatment).
   57 % of patient, after the second - the third procedure of the very first session demonstrated a slight increase of motive discoordination, which disappeared after the fifth procedure. Treatment was held in combination with massage, medical physical training, and, also, if necessary, miostimulation was prescribed via Russian apparatuses "Miorythm" and "Miomodel". No specific medicinal therapy during the treatment sessions on the breaks was applied. 43 % of patients had a noticable improvement of the condition during and after the treatment, 50 % had good results, 7 % being ill for 10 and more years dynamics, had no positive dynamics.
    The same results in treatment of disseminated sclerosis were gained in different clinics and hospitals of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Argentina. All doctors finished special training courses in Medical Center "Kovert" MM-therapy showed great results in rehabilitation of children with cerebral paralysis - a serious organic pathology of central nervous system, especially acts because of spastisity, rigidness, dystonia and gypotonia of separate muscles, functionally united, and also the formation of pathological motive stereotype - a perversion of such complicated motive acts, as walking, support of vertical position, speech motorication etc.
   Complexful treating approach, including, medicinal and physiotherapy, massage and medical physical training , and sometimes a surgeon involvement - it is a difficult way to the improvement of functional condition of muscles, enables efforts either of medical personals or the very patient. MM-therapy gave possibilities to develop new approaches in ICP treatment. MM-therapy of separate ICP forms has its particularities. Spastic diplegion - is the most favourable form for MM-therapy usage, though older children need several sessions. The gemiparetical form, as spastic diplegion, gives hopeful results, and little children can be fully recovered. The improvement of motive function of the leg is the quickest. The most difficult is the improvement of the affected hand.
   The hyperkinetic form is very hardly and slowly influenced by treatment, though positive dynamics is noted by all patients. Atonically-astatistic form is very hardly influenced by treatment. The efficiency of treatment: the improvement after the first session is noted in 63% of patients. Treatment was hold in combination with massage and medical physical training 96% of patients had vivid positive dynamics after two-three sessions.
   Statistics of the efficiency of infantile cerebral paralysis treatment runs by AMT-"KOVERT" apparatuses either in Medical center "Kovert" or in decades of Russian centers, countries of CIF and other foreign countries.
   Of the same importance are the results of treatment of drug addiction, gynecological, endocrine and many other diseases. According to its results, this method can be referred to medicinal intensive therapy of wide nosological band.

Community to be served:

- Disabled Persons,
- Women and Children, suffered from military operations, extreme situations, mutilation owing to violent actions,
- Children with Disabilities living in families.

NGO and Programs to Help

  • Groups and associations on rendering assistance and support to children with disabilities
  • Centers of family consultation of the Disabled Persons (family in a crisis situation);
  • The asylum / rehabilitational programs for children, sufferers of the cruel reference and violence;
  • The asylums for the mothers with children, sufferers of family violence;
  • The programs on integration of children with the special needs in the society;
  • The programs on protection of the children with disabilities rights
  • The programs on improvement of the legislative acts concerning children with disabilities and their families


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Automatic diagnostic system "AMSAT"

   The essential condition of any successful therapy is a constant monitoring of the patient's condition and estimation of the dynamics of its changes: the prescribed therapy must commensurate with the patient's condition at that very moment.
   In 70's took place first attempts to design diagnostic systems of the functional state of the human organism, based on theoretical works of H. Pflaum, F. Kramer, H. Leonard in the field of segmentarial electrocutaneous diagnostics.
   The basis of bioelectrical AMSAT analysis - measuring of amplitude and time characteristics of electroconductivity of the human body biological habitat going trough electric current. The bioelectrical measuring system - the most widely spread instrumental method of regular diagnostics, which meets clinical and scientific demands, which can be characterized by reproduction of deficient quantities and the approvement of their parameters. The above method gives the opportunity to think about reaction of the organization according with the condition of the protective system, with tension, produced by hotbeds or fields of disorders, and with acid-basic round change in tissues, and also about vegetative reactions mechanism of the following kinds: normergia, gypoergia or hyperergia .

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   The basic principle of AMSAT therapy lies in measuring of electric indexes of the main biologically active zones of the skin (feet palms and frontal sinus), that carry the information about the condition of mutually connected with them organs and tissues.
   The tests-signal applied to the skin during the diagnosis is absolutely safe for a patient and the patient doesn't have any unpleasant feelings. Graphics usage allows to show on the computer monitor the phantom form of:
-estimation of the functional condition of segmentarial apparatuses of spinal marrow attended by osseous-muscle structures; localization and compensation level of the discovered change;
-condition of
-information about functional state of peripheral nerves and nerve plexuses;
-internal estimation of functional state of internal organs and organism systems in connection and control with functional state of segmentarial apparatuses of spinal marrow;
-condition of internal organs and systems according with their segmentarial, afferental sometical innervation.

AMSAT allows:

-to obtain the reference-consulting information about functional condition of a human organism;
-to distinguish "striken zones":
-to discover "addictive zone" of disorder in comparison with subjective information about the condition of a human organism at the time of diagnosis;
-a doctor to show physiological deviation from normal to pathology, i.e. to overdone disease and to find the very first hotbed of disorder;
- as a result of physical training tests, to get information about subjects "function-organic"; - to control the dynamic of functional state changes of a human organism, to fulfill the control of results of any influence on an organism with the opportunity to analyze adaptative-protective reactions.

The next information comments the state of functional interconnections in the body. Complex consists of a measuring device, run by a personal computer, six measuring electrodes, computer and the program. It is installed on a table and is transported in a portable bag.
   Usage of automatic diagnostic system AMSAT together with MM-theraphy apparatuses enables to create a unique treating-diagnostic complex "AMT/AMSAT-Kovert", that allows to optimize a treating process following the MM-therapy method



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Economy of MT technologies.

   Experience of usage of treating-diagnostic cabinets MT/AMSAT-"KOVERT" in medical services of different levels (from scientific research clinics to rural hospitals) in 35 countries all over the world showed, that in terms of therapeutic efficiency with wide nosological scope according to economic efficiency, this technology has no analogues in medical practice - investments will be repaid in under 3-7 months, depending on the region.
   For all this, a cabinet with 4-5 therapeutic and diagnostic apparatuses has a capacity of about 4000 cured patients annually. Such a cabinet of nomedicinal intensive and absolutely sale! Therapy and diagnostic can commensurate with a small polyclinic and can make it "free" for 60-70%.
   Usage of this technology is of not less efficiency in sanitaries, prophylactories etc., where the effect is received in the same time quickly and little expenditure.

Advantages of MRT:

  • contact-free, infection-free, AIDS-safe, noninvasive method;
  • no pharmacotherapy preparations, no analgetics with algesic syndromes;
  • no side effects,
  • double reductions of therapy period;
  • MRT may be in out-patients clinics;
  • possibility to treat the diseases incurable by traditional therapy;
  • disease prevention and improvement of the organism's stability against stresses;
  • low in cost;
  • no need to sterilize medical instruments;
  • acceleration of bone and muscular tissue reparations;
  • no adverse effects for the personnel.
The results of the MRT
Aided in the charter
Improvement %
That follows:
Alcoholism 90 40
Aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur 98 60
Bronchial asthma 85 60
Bronchial obstructive syndromes 90 82
Vegetovascniar dystonia 85 70
Gastritis, gasiroduodenitis 95 89
Infantile cerebral paralysis 98 60
Osteochondrosis 94 70
Poliarthrnis 80 67
Diabetes mellitus 80 63
Trophic ulcer 92 68
Peptic ulcer 98 90
Other pathologies 60-95 35-90

VOIN Public Organization Disabled Persons (Russia, Novosibirsk) has practical experience of use of of technologies MRT for the express - diagnostics of the Disableds Person and Peoples With Disabilities in Novosibirsk and Siberian region

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Web: voinorg.narod.ru
E-mail voinorg@narod.ru

President Yuri S. Pavlenko

Copyright © 2000 Creation and design - Vladimir Tibenkov

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