Наши дела

Public Organization carries out the following charitable programs at own expenses:

"ADVOCACY" - Legal support of the Disabled Persons and Peoples With Disabilities. During 1999г more than 200 persons have received no fee legal advises on civil law, housing, labor and family legislation The project "Disabilities Rights Advocates Service" is now prepared. The purpose of the project rendering of legal protection to the Disabled Persons to organize team of the professional lawyers equipped by modern technologies (computer network, software, legal systems, Internet). This Service is capable considerably to increase a level of legal knowledge, security from arbitrariness of the officers of the Disabled Person, members of their families. The creation of a site "ADVOCACY" with a free access to the legal information on problems of the Disabled Person is planned.

Вот как выразился один из них, ветеран труда, инвалид второй группы: "Я уже не хочу жить. После сорока лет честного труда я стал нищий и больной. И семья не в состоянии меня прокормить". А ведь этот человек имеет право на повышение пенсии, на бесплатное медицинское обслуживание, льготные лекарства, на многие другие социальные льготы. Но получить их рядовому человеку в современной России могут помочь только специалисты - профессионалы.

"PATRONAGE" - The Public Organization renders the constant practical help to 35 Disabled Person and elderly people: pays municipal services, repairs housing accommodation, purchases products and medicines, looks after the patients, promotes their communication, helps to be oriented in modern difficult life. Monthly Company expends on these purposes 25 thousand rubles from own means. .

"Health" - Is the program that directed on rendering of specialized medical aid to the Disabled Persons, Peoples With Disabilities with usage of the modern diagnostic and medical INEXPENSIVE equipment Since 2000 the Diagnostic Center "VOIN" is functioning. The treatment is conducted using millimeter diagnostic and therapy complex "AMSAT-KOVERT", new diagnostic system "PERESVET-GIT", RIKTA-01.M22 and RIKTA-P quantum therapy devices. The Public Organization "VOIN" has the license for rendering medical aid in high technology level. .

In a settlement Mochishie (Novosibirsk area) we have opened a sports hall for children. Equipped by its gymnastic shells, have installed tennis desktop

"Together with ROTARY" - The Activity of VOIN Public Organization Disabled Persons corresponds with ideas of charity ROTARY - movement. Public Organization together with Rotary club " Novosibirsk - Obi " has conducted the charitable share of support of the Disabled Persons and patients of prisons, taking place in a severe condition, and investigation isolators. It transmitted medicines, books, bed accessories. Volunteers of Organization conducted in the mass charitable assembly of clothes for the Disabled Persons, orphans, elderly people among the population of Novosibirsk. All assembled things were transmitted to the House of the Disabled Person and elderly.

In a basis of joint cooperation, joint projects the idea of independent life is fixed, on which the people with the limited possibilities should become the full and valuable participants of life of human community.





Rotary Cooperation





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E-mail voinorg@narod.ru
President Yuri S. Pavlenko
E-mail: sibcap@online.ru

Copyright © 1999 - 2000 VOIN

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